And we recognize that samba and many other Brazilian dance and music traditions are part of the African diaspora and were borne of resistance. In honor of this fact, we are donating class funds during the month of June to a variety of organizations working toward racial justice and other means to improve the dignity and quality of Black and Brown lives.

On Saturday, June 27th, the last class of the month, all funds will be donated to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), an organization that “dares to create a more perfect union — beyond one person, party, or side. Our mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees.” Please join us in supporting this work!

On Wednesday, June 24th, we will donate all class funds to Violence in Boston, an organization dedicated to “creating safer, healthier, and empowered black and brown communities.” We hope you will donate through us or directly to them.

For the week of June 15th, we will donate all class funds to The Theater Offensive, a Boston-based arts organization whose mission is “To present liberating art by, for, and about queer and trans people of color that transcends artistic boundaries, celebrates cultural abundance, and dismantles oppression.”

On Saturday, June 13th, we will donate all class funds to the Dance Complex, our dance home and the home to artists from all over the world!

On Wednesday, June 10th, we will donate all class funds to Violence in Boston, an organization dedicated to “creating safer, healthier, and empowered black and brown communities.” We hope you will donate through us or directly to them.

On Saturday, June 6th, we will donate all class funds to the Poor People’s Campaign, an organization committed to “lifting up and deepening the leadership of those most affected by systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, and ecological devastation and to building unity across lines of division.” And we invite you to support them as well.

Image credit: By Kazimir Malevich – Moved from EnglishWikipedia, Public Domain,